6 Tips to Being A Happier You

 6 Tips to Being a Happier You

As I write this post, this is reminder for both me and you. I can’t count the number of people who constantly tell me I am always smiling. A complete stranger once came up to me and said that just me smiling at her gave her a sense of joy that morning. So why do I smile so much? Mainly because I’m a happy person.  

Have you heard the saying “Unhappy people are dangerous?” Well, in my decades of living on earth, I have found this to be so very true! You can tell when people are truly happy with themselves. It’s not that they have to walk around with a huge grin, but they do tend be nicer, healthier people with longer lives. Unhappy people lead to more rude tendencies and are much more deceptive. Not being completely where you want to be in life does not mean you can not be happy with who you are and where you are. [bctt tweet=”Not being completely where you want to be in life does not mean you can not be happy with who you are and where you are.” username=”angelgrace2″] I have come to the conclusion that I’m not entirely where I want to be in life, but I AM very happy with who I am and where I am. Remember, joy doesn’t come from material things but from the inside of you. So below I’ve listed some main things I do to maintain my happiness. I hope you find them helpful.

1. Prayer

My first and foremost piece of advice that contributes to my happiness is believing and trusting in God.  I’m a strong supporter that whether you are a spiritual believer or not, having faith and praying to God is the best way to being a happier person. There is a sense of peace and security that you will not find anywhere else. Believe it or not, prayer gives you peace of mind. You can be feeling discouraged, sad, or empty and those around may offer little inspiration or answers. But one little prayer for strength and hope can completely change your life. Pray for guidance to embrace life and find happiness in each moment. Pray for love. Pray that your life might be lived to the fullest. Whatever you desire, open up a communication line with God and pray for them.

2. Love Yourself and Believe in Yourself

Many times people put way too much weight into what people think of them. Learn to trust yourself and know that as long as you are happy with yourself, that’s all that matters. Believe in yourself and find your inner beauty. Your inner beauty is the key. Inner beauty comes from confidence. Be comfortable in your own skin. When you’re comfortable in your own skin, you’ll never lose. There is no way for you to love others if you do not love yourself. When you are able to love yourself, you can spread that same amazing love to others.

3. Focus on What’s Right

Sometimes we can become so paralyzed by a habit, frustrated at a situation, crippled by an event that we can’t see how to reach a place of peace and joy. Sometimes we become so depressed with life from constantly comparing our lives to others, or because we haven’t reached that place of self achievement, we begin to lose our happiness.

Everyone has something that they have to deal with on a daily basis whether it’s bizarre situations, disagreements, illnesses, financial burdens, or any other problem. If we were to focus on what’s not going right in our lives, we can easily become depressed. However, the key to finding your joy is to focus on what’s right in your life instead. I’m not saying ignore your issues, just don’t get fixated on them. But truly focus and be thankful for everything that is going right in your lives. That’s how you develop an attitude of gratitude. That’s when you’ll get your joy.

I am creating a journal to help you achieve a happier life.  This journal is designed to help you develop happy habits & integrate them into your daily life. Check it out here.

4. Eat Healthy and Exercise

Eating healthy combined with exercising is not only one of the best things you can do for your physical body, but it’s also great for the soul! I can only think of positive results when you do both. To start, eating healthy and exercising will definitely prolong your health and save you money in the long run, meaning less medical bills! Studies have shown that people who eat healthy and workout have less health problems. And I can testify for my husband and I that neither of us have had ANY major health problems or surgeries, thank God! And for the longest I had no health insurance! So from self experience, I can definitely agree that eating healthy and exercising is very beneficial for your health!  In addition,  as you begin eating healthier and exercising, you will see that your body starts looking better, your skin clears up, and you feel less bloated. It also helps  strengthen your heart, strengthen your bones, improves your self esteem, helps you sleep, and even gives you energy. I could go on and on about the benefits of eating healthy and exercising. You don’t have to do it 100% of the time but just take one step towards it. Then continue to work one day at a time until you reach where you want to be.

5. Find a Stress Reliever

Stress is a major obstacle that hinders your true happiness. Stressful situations may be unavoidable, but how you react to them could have a big impact on your body. From high blood pressure, headaches, and breakouts,  to digestion, metabolism, and even fertility. Stress is in no way beneficial for the body, so it is important that you find ways to digress and relieve stress. It doesn’t matter what you do, you just have to find what works best for YOU! This is called Self Care! My stress relievers are taking a nice long hot bath, drinking a glass of wine, having a good foot rub, or getting a neck massage. Working out is also an incredible stress reliever, which I also do. Find a way to relieve your stress EVERYDAY! [bctt tweet=”Find a way to relieve your stress EVERYDAY!” username=”angelgrace2″] Stress can definitely wear and tear on your body and will leave you with bad health. Finding a way to decompose will for sure help you achieve inner happiness.

6. Rest

Okay I admit, I am speaking more to myself with this one. The impact of sleep deprivation is often extreme and very well underestimated. Let me tell you, I learned a very hard lesson one day. I remember a period of a time I was working myself nonstop, but unexpectedly I found myself stuck in bed for an entire WEEK due to me not making myself rest! I kid you not, my entire body shut down and I couldn’t move for an entire week. For me, that was almost worse than dying because I’m such a busy body.  I was literally crippled from a lack of rest! I now realize, however, that a lack of rest can not only dull and mute some of our more positive traits and tendencies, but handicap them entirely. The lack of sleep can put you in a negative mood, can weaken your immune system, and worse can kill you! For those of you who are getting less rest than you need, consider giving yourself the gift of a week of good, solid rest. Even if you aren’t great sleepers, force yourself to rest. Create positive spaces and train yourself to relax in them. [bctt tweet=”Create positive spaces and train yourself to relax in them.” username=”angelgrace2″] You too may be surprised at how getting more sleep can increase your happiness. It can help you think clearer by resolving issues due to foggy judgment you’ve perhaps been inadvertently blaming on other people or circumstances in your life. Rest can help minimize illnesses, stress, and improve your beauty! Yes more sleep, less bags under your eyes! Rest is an important ingredient to a balanced life. Getting adequate rest has become a priority in our household and should in yours!

In Conclusion

These are the things I truly believe help me achieve and stay grateful and happy about life. As you know, life can be hard many times and we all experience great pain, however, pain should not be able to steal your joy. For pain only last for a moment and joy endures forever. They say happy people live a long time:) So go find your happiness! 








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